Welcome to my Blog
I'm glad you've dropped in. Second Breakfast is where I like to explore ideas about yoga, movement, breathing, design, books, and me.
I tend to take in food like I take in information in small, digestible bits, even eating breakfast in two or three parts. Second Breakfast is something small to read, something to feed the brain or the soul, and goes well with a cup of tea.
The Order, the Goal, the Outcome
What is Yoga, Patañjali?
Staring Out the Window
No Resolutions, Just Finding Sankalpa
Gifts Found in Unexpected Places
Finding My Saṁskāras: A Year in Review
To Adjust or Not to Adjust: That is the Question
Water, Sand, Rock
Karuna — Compassion
Why do we Meditate?
What About Love?
About that Laundry
Love Yourself — A Valentine's Day Gift